
Posts Tagged ‘Neutra Rat’

….continued from previous Rebirth Brass Band review

Dumpstaphunk @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Dumpstaphunk @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

“Dumpstaphunk is the best funk band from New Orleans right now.”

~New York Times~

The Show Karma continued as 3/4 of the venue stepped outside during intermission for their various smokey treats.  When we went back in, it was clear that 1/2 the venue had left for good. Giving us PLENTY of room to dance, but seriously confusing me. Prior to the show that night, while standing in the Will Call line, I overheard a clearly misguided music lover state: “I don’t even know what this Dumpsta stuff is!”  Yall think I held my tongue? Those who know me well know I did not. He was schooled real quick…

Nick Daniels III & Tony Hall @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Nick Daniels III & Tony Hall @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

What was wrong with these people?  I mean come on!!  It was a sold out show, so they spent $35.00 and left after the first band?  Granted, Rebirth Brass Band was an amazing show by itself but…HELLO!! Add in Dumpstaphunk and you got gold baby!!  What was going on?  Those of us smart enough to stick around claimed our rightful place back up front!

Dumpstaphunk was founded by members of the legendary Neville family, Ivan and Ian. Seriously, if you ever see a band containing a member or special guest with the last name Neville, you know it’s worth seeing! Go see it!  Completing this amazing group is Tony Hall, Raymond Weber and Nick Daniels III.  A stage dripping in pure talent. Perhaps if you didn’t understand before, now you may understand my jaw dropping astonishment that people left the venue.

The line up on stage went:

Ivan Neville – Keys
Tony Hall – Bass & vocals
Nick Daniels III – Bass
Raymond Weber – Drums
Ian Neville – Guitar

Ian Neville & Raymond Weber @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Ian Neville & Raymond Weber @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

First of all, I don’t think I can ever meet Ian Neville without drooling all over him. HOT DAMN! He is 2 years younger then me and he is dangerously good looking. That smile is infectious and made me all tingly inside 🙂 On the other hand, Tony Hall, probably 20 years my senior, was dripping with stage presence and sexual energy. He just entered my Sean Connery category. Those older men who you just can’t say “NO” to if ever they were to approach you.  Flirting with those of us in the front row, with our cameras, with our videos, Tony is a giver and receiver of energy and we fed off each other all night.

Set List:

  • Ian Neville, Ivan Neville & Tony Hall @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

    Ian Neville, Ivan Neville & Tony Hall @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

    Shake it Off

  • Neutra Rat
  • No More Okey Doke
  • Lt. Dan
  • Just the Two of Us
  • Everybody Wants Somebody
  • Meanwhile…
  • Jam
  • She’s Music
  • Deeper
  • Put It In The Dumpsta
  • Gasman
  • Nick Daniels Bass Solo
  • Standing in Yo Stuff  (Girls on stage)
  • Unknown Song with Nikki Glaspie on Drums & Maurice Brown on trumpet

Shake It Off started us off with a bass heavy beginning bringing forth some uplifting lyrics where each member sang a portion of the song telling us to shake off all our worries in various ways. “Don’t waste your time and energy. What will be will be.”  So we did what they said. We shook them out right then and there all over the dance floor.  Ps…love the bass in this song. 🙂

Tony Hall @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Tony Hall @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

So, in parts of America there are these semi aquatic rat/beaver hybrid looking things that apparently sparks creativity in Dumpstaphunk because their next song was Nuetra-Rat. It’s here I begin to notice Tony Hall’s energy play with the crowd. I just LOVED him. Many times, some of the greatest parts of a live show experience isn’t the music at all. I heard every note he played but I focused more on him. That smile, that flirty energy! Tony Hall is super fun and proves that live music is so worth paying to see and going up front to watch.

No More Okey Doke, a Meter’s cover, raged next!  This song gets everyone moving. It’s one of the songs that mostly everyone knows as it is covered so often.  It’s a crowd pleasure for sure. Half way into the song, Tony Hall gave us a funky charged bass rage! (I was lucky enough to capture a little bit on video & 35 seconds in he notices!)

Nick Daniels III @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Nick Daniels III @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Lt. Dan, a Dumpstaphunk staple, brought us into Everybody Needs Somebody.  Ivan mentioned the Super Bowl win, stating that “we still aren’t over it.” And the Who Dat chants being.  However, a certain member of the audience didn’t feel the chant needed to end when Ivan did.  Rolling up to the front in a Saints tee shirt, a big drunk tank of a man screamed The “Who Dat” chant probably 8-10 times until his voice died forcing him to stop. That man LOVED his Saints and Ivan’s smile was appreciative. The venue laughed as one and Ivan took  back control of the performance.

Into the funky bass heavy jam, Meanwhile.., Ivan’s signature deep, growly voice delivers us another song asserting that it’s best to just relax and let loose. “Meanwhile…Go and have yourself a good time. Go shake your pretty booty baby! Because there might not be a next time….” The vocals on this song are repetitive but allow for a lot of solos and rages! I missed the horns from the studio album but it still rocked as Ivan was off the keys and onto his guitar slamming out a jam that wouldn’t quit for a good 5 minutes. Enjoy Raymon Webber’s full drum solo!

Ivan Neville & Nick Daniels III @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Ivan Neville & Nick Daniels III @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Now, in the funk world there are romantic songs also: deep, heavy and full of love!  She’s Music! is one of those songs! Without ever hearing the song, lyrics or anything, I can imagine such beautiful things with a title like that.  I imagine a sick love song about a old lover or possibly a new infatuation.  Coming from a musician and having them tell you you are music? I would melt. It might just be my favorite song title right now! “She’s funky like the Family Stone, smooth like Marvin Gay,” sings Nick Daniels III as Ian Neville grabs a funky guitar solo. The whole time, I am drippin’ in sweat as the venue is so hot and I am just laughing at the people who left this amazing performance. DAMN! Dumpstaphunk delivers.

Tony Hall is total hotness.  Always going to be here to see us through, his love for his audience goes…Deeper! Ok, yes that was cheesy but I know I am right! Tony got the vocal party started as Ivan threw his voice into the mix with the smooth backup of the other members. Ian’s guitar strumming in the lighter tunes and Ivan slams down onto his keys given us a solo! This song was a little too slow for the moment…we slowed down the energy a little bit with this one. However, it was perfect for the build up into the next song….they knew what they were doing!

Ivan Neville @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Ivan Neville @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Put It In The Dumpsta, a personal favorite, a majorly funk heavy tune introduced with Ivan talkin’, “We need to get rid of the bullshit that we walk around carrying on a day to day basis And he is right.  It’s apparent these guys have a theme through their lyrics. Basically they are saying RAGE FULLY and dump the CRAP out your life! I can handle that vibe! I can totally hook into that method of living! I do it everyday!  So, they got a nice jam going during this song. Great excitement! Basically just hollering Put It in a Dumpsta and the crowd joins in.  What you gonna do???

Eric Krano w/ Dumpstaphunk @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Eric Krano w/ Dumpstaphunk @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Ivan’s nose gets all scrunched up and he says, “Smells like somebody farted.”  Of course, I giggle and write it in my notes.  My buddy leans over and says, “That’s a segway into the next song, silly.”  Gasman was next on the lineup and quickly became my favorite song and it’s very clear in 5…4….3….2….Eric Krasno stepped out on to stage with his guitar! Oh yes sir! He didn’t even have to play for it to be my favorite. Just stand there and look awesome. Eric ripped through his solo, bringing his signature sound and crying guitar to the fold that evening.  Special guests are always a welcomed part of any show! It’s when the history gets made! When the magic moments happen!

Tiny Rager dancing with Dumpstaphunk @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Tiny Rager dancing with Dumpstaphunk @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

As Nick Daniels III gave us a tasty bass solo, you hear Tony say: Ok, Security. Now don’t get excited but we need to add a few more people to this stage!”  A tradition when the song is played, during “Standing in Yo Stuff,” girls are asked to join the stage and shake their groove thang. After the play between Tony and I the whole night he pointed at me to join the stage. I shook my head.  There was no way, NO WAY, I was going on that stage.  After a few measures of the song, he practically demanded it by leaning over and stinking his yummy strummin’ finger in my face haha.  SCREW IT! They had just sung an entire night of uplifting songs telling us to relax and life life to the fullest!!!!

Tiny Rager dancing with Dumpstaphunk @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

Tiny Rager dancing with Dumpstaphunk @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

I made my way over to the side stage and Security wouldn’t let me in.  Pointing to Tony, the security guy follows my finger to see the funky bassist on stage hollering at him over the mic. Classic! An image I will never forget. But Securities hands were tied.  Show Karma strikes again as at that moment three girls walked off the stage.  And there  I was standing on a stage for the first time in my life shaking like a leaf, looking Ivan Neville in the eye and trying not to throw up!

Ian Neville, Nikie Glaspie, Maurice Brown @ Highline Ballroom   (04.01.10)

Ian Neville, Nikie Glaspie, Maurice Brown @ Highline Ballroom (04.01.10)

All I can remember while I was up there was that I was supposed to be dancing so DON’T STOP MOVING!  Hahah! I caught myself standing still, jaw open as a horn finally made its way on stage.  I was missing the horns the whole set! I was very surprised that members of Rebirth Brass Band hadn’t flooded the stage much earlier.  That would have been AWESOME!  I kept getting lost in Maurice’s sound, his hair and his blazer.  Handsome + Horn = Awesome!

And I got to be honest with you, I have NO CLUE about the last song. I was so hyped up on energy and excitement from doing what I had just done that it took me quite some time to even realize another song was even playing let alone that Nikki Glaspie was now on drums while Raymond stood behind her singing and Maurice Brown was on trumpet.

I left the venue that night energized beyond belief.  The Members of the NYC Funk Live group had raged so hard that night. So proud! Some of us got up on stage! Some of us got their wish for more space when the venue cleared out at intermission…ALL of us were up front raging!   And we couldn’t have chosen a better show to see.  In hindsight, I have little pangs of regret for having missed the South Memphis String Band with Luther Dickinson show but in all honesty, nothing tops funk (except fusion) and nothing could top this night!

NYC Funk Live Meetup Group = Full Rage!

NYC Funk Live Meetup Group = Full Rage!


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